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Harry Potter Books Set
by Jk Rowling

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<3 my favourite series because it opens my imagination.

White Fragility
by Robin DiAngelo

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I listened to the audiobook of this. I found it very informative. I know some people are annoyed by some of the things Diangelo says, but she makes a lot of fair points and references a lot of research, as well as combines it with some of her personal experiences. One of the takeaways I have is that you can't break it down to just good and bad. The racist = bad and not racist = good. We can't escape racism because it's embedded in our societal norms. Our laws and rules. All we can do is learn and be better. No one is exempt from racism. Even those who study equity and work to be antiracist sometimes slip up. We (white people, mostly) make inappropriate comments or don't realize that certain things we say or do harm other people. No matter how hard we try to be "good" and not racist, we can't escape the racist ways of this country. All we can do is continue to learn and grow.

Harry Potter
by J.k. Rowling

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amazing best book ever

All Boys Aren't Blue By George M. Johnson
by George M Johnson

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This was very interesting. I was able to empathize with the authors family history and struggle with his identify.

The Handmaids Tale
by Margaret Atwood

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four stars

The Handmaids Tale By Margaret Atwood
by Margaret Atwood

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I wish I read the book before watching the show! I think I would have enjoyed the book more of I didn't have the show as a frame of reference, but I still really enjoyed this read. #WPFreedomtoRead

How To Train Your Dragon The Complete Book Of Dragons
by Cressida Cowell

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It's a great book but the sketches make it a little harder to see. But overall it's an amazing book.

by George Orwell

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The Testaments Margaret Atwood
by Margaret Atwood

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I appreciated that the TV series didn't follow the book because I appreciated the character development. Aunt Lydia became a sympathetic villain.

The Glass Castle
by Jeannette Walls

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The way she talked about her father's bi-polar, from his sweet and loving side to his drunk, abusive side was very powerful. I can't imagine going throguh that experience.